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TEPE Conference in Krakov


Uri Ben-Ari, President and Founder of Athena Fund, was invited to give a lecture on Athena Fund's activities at the Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) conference held in May in Krakow, Poland. TEPE is an academic network that that brings together teacher educators, educational researchers, policy makers, teachers and practitioners from Europe and beyond to discuss and identify key elements that contribute to strengthening teacher education and the quality and professionalism of teachers in schools.


The TEPE network is dedicated to promoting research in the field of teacher education. The network builds on previous European collaborative projects in the field of teacher education policy – principally the Thematic Network on Teacher Education in Europe (TNTEE) and the European Doctorate in Teaching and Teacher Education (EUDORA) project, both previously funded by the European Commission.


During the conference, Ben-Ari met with many academics specializing in education and teacher training. In his presentation Ben-Ari noted that we are in an era of technology and information revolution, in which Athena Fund equips Israeli school and kindergarten teachers with laptops and iPads in order to improve their work. Ben-Ari added that due to the great accessibility to information via the Internet, the role of the teacher has changed from being a source of knowledge to serving as a mentor.


For an announcement (in Polish) [added] of Ben-Ari's lecture on the website of the FRSE organization that organized the TEPE conference, click on the following link:


Uri Ben-Ari Presenting at TEPE Conference
