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How an Unlikely Technology became Routine Fertility Treatment: Remembering the First Pioneers of IVF
Friday, 20 December 2019
4pm (Paris, Berlin, Madrid); 3pm (London), 10am (New York, DC); 11pm (Hong Kong)
We are delighted to announce the first webinar of the newly launched IVF-Worldwide Webinar Series, which will be given by Dr. Roger G. Gosden, Ph.D., D.Sc. this week on Friday, 20 December 2019.
Dr. Roger G. Gosden, Ph.D., D.Sc. specialized in reproductive biology and medicine in a career spanning from Cambridge to Cornell and continues a long term interest in the comparative physiology of reproduction. He also writes as a naturalist, and he has current writing projects on the history of science.
Robert Edwards led the second great fertility revolution of the 20th Century two decades after Gregory Pincus and John Rock launched oral contraception. This webinar focuses on the decade when he with Patrick Steptoe and a small team of colleagues developed in vitro fertilization technology for the clinical care of infertility. Although their achievement was eventually rewarded with a Nobel Prize, the years 1968 to 1978 were heroic struggles, when human embryology was still in the dark ages and bringing a medical revolution faced opposition that would have intimidated a less intrepid team.
Click here to register for the webinar (20 December 2019)
For questions please contact: contact@ivf-worldwide.com.

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